We trust that you are currently applying moisturiser and sunscreen religiously. Serums fill your dresser and so what else could you be doing to support your skin. Let's craft a culinary journey that could deliver a bounty of benefits to your skin. 
The power of nutrients when ingested or applied topically can be transformative. Here we explore five foods that are not just yummy but also great for your skin. Try them in your next meal or whip up a DIY facial and show your skin some love.
1. Avocado – Avocados are a treasure trove of Vitamin E and healthy fats. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that aids in battling skin damage and provides moisture, making your skin appear plump and vibrant. The **Omega-9 fatty acids** maintain the epidermal layer of your skin, lock in hydration, and fend off signs of aging. Application: Both consuming avocado in salads or smoothies and slapping a mashed avocado face mask on your skin can support a radiant glow. Our favorite recipe is a simple one - scoop out the avocado flesh into a blender or smoothie maker, chuck in some fresh coconut water and some ice. Blend and enjoy.
2. Blueberries – These scrumptious wonders are packed with antioxidants, Vitamin C, and K, blueberries are a powerhouse for safeguarding the skin against free radicals from sun exposure and pollution. Fighting free radicals helps keep premature skin aging at bay. Vitamin C is crucial for collagen production, which grants your skin structural integrity and elasticity. Application: a handful of berries into your morning porridge or blend them into a smoothie. For a quick skin treat, a blueberry puree as a natural face mask. 
3. Almonds –  Rich in Vitamin E, almonds provide a shield against the sun's harsh rays and minimize skin damage. Magnesium found in almonds helps in combating stress-related skin concerns such as acne and eczema. Application: A small handful of almonds can be consumed raw or soaked overnight. Ground almonds also make for an excellent exfoliating scrub.
4. Sweet Potatoes – Rich in Beta-carotene, the precursor to Vitamin A is essential for skin repair and renewal. When consumed, it converts into Vitamin A, rejuvenating your skin and enhancing its complexion. Application: Roast or boil these root vegetables to unlock their benefits. 
5. Green Tea – The Detoxifier. Green tea is abundant in polyphenols, and works as an internal cleanser. It's anti-inflammatory properties, courtesy of catechins, and can reduce skin irritation, redness, and swelling.  The epigallocatechin gallet in green tea can apparently rejuvenate dying skin cells, which technically translates to lessened wrinkles. Application: Drinking two cups of green tea a day can help flush out toxins.  Direct application as a toner can leverage the astringent properties of green tea helping to tighten pores.
In an article from the Journal of Nutrition, they note that nutrients from these foods can lead to significant improvements in skin health when consumed regularly. As we integrate these superfoods into our diet and skincare regimen, we can embrace a holistic approach to beauty. Learn more about eating your way to radiant skin. Share any foods you think we should all be adding to our weekly meal plans.